Sunday, March 29, 2020


I’m sorry for all of you that this horrible virus that has hit us. I’m sorry for the inconvenience it is causing you as you sit through your days wondering if you will get this virus. And if you are 65 or older, well, you have heard the warning about your vulnerability in this crisis. Living alone must be difficult, spending endless days from socializing, and we all have to keep our 6-foot distances.

For the past month people have been asking me about my daughter Ellen, as she goes from hospital to the medical center to multi-care institutions, never settling down, never getting better. She levels out and we have hope, only to have it dashed time and again. Recently we were told she was heading to her home finally, just a matter of a small meeting for intake back into her agency home. Then, the virus came. We have no confidence she will indeed ever return to her home, we just don’t believe it.

She spends her days, endless hours, sitting in her bed with her blanket over her head. She still doesn’t eat, doesn’t speak, or interact with people. Imagine such a life with total noting as you do this day-after-day.

Then last night we got the call from her multi-care residence that she is going back into the hospital. Her white blood count is through the roof, once again endangering her and our hope of her ever going hoe again.

So, after the call, we added together all the worries and were sure to include this new one.
She is in a place where they are currently treating the Coronavirus. Where was is dealing with it by edict of the State of New York, places like that have to take in a victim of the virus. At least we are safe if we stay in our homes and not go out. Ellen has no choices.

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