Monday, March 30, 2020


I know this is all a dream. Soon, I will open my eyes and go downstairs and pour my coffee to start my day after my shower. I’m having this silly dream and of course, I can’t explain it well. Like most of my dreams, this one doesn’t make any sense either.

When I wake up the first thing I am going to do is go out for breakfast at my favorite dinner, make a lunch date and then phone for a reservation for two at an Italian restaurant that serves great quality food and service.

Between these meals I will go to the supermarket and buy a roll or two of toilet paper, there is so much to choose from. God forbid, if I see someone with a mask it will probably be either a stickup or Halloween.

I will turn on the TV and watch the news, probably about Trump’s ratings or the scheduled Democratic debates for president. I wonder how the Mets made out this past week and, are they in the first place? What time do the Mets play today and who’s pitching?

Maybe I should fill my tank with gas and go for a nice long ride or visit the mall, there are a few things I’d like to get, I just have to navigate the crowds of teenagers that hang around there. I could drop by my sister’s house and see how she is doing, maybe invite her over for dinner Sunday.

I tell you after this silly dream is over, I certainly will enjoy my freedom, thank goodness I will wake up soon.

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