Sunday, July 22, 2007


If you hired a plumber, and instead of giving you service on your plumbing, or a barber, instead of cutting your hair, gave you his political opinion, you probably would listen but not necessarily agree. You might even argue with him either politely or throw a punch or two. But would you think, “Gee, I better listen to him, after all, he IS a plumber.

One of the things that really irritates me is when a celebrity gives out at the mouth, and decides that his opinion should carry weight, or sway voters. I’ve seen it time and time again, from both sides of the political aisle, and frankly it makes me sick.

Is it not bad enough that the politicians will be hawking and shrilling themselves and their fellow party members from now until next November, without the stupid actors weighting in because they think they know better than you? Are the ads not enough to interrupt a good radio program to hear the same dumb ass commercial spots from the thieves in the local, state and federal candidates time and time again, without having to hear these actors, as they parade around foreign countries acting like they belong in congress, spewing off what comes out of their mouths before it enters their brain?

OK, once in a while they get away with it, ballplayers with superior intelligence like Bill Bradley a Rhodes scholar did, or a song and dance man like Murphy did in California, and an actor like Ronald Reagan did as President, but for the most part, they are no smarter than you or I am, but yet because they are on the boob tube, or the silver screen feel compelled to tell us what we should think. Hey, I don’t tell anyone how to vote, just ask my sons Marx and Engels.

I’m thinking of sending a letter to Barbara Streisand and Martin Sheen telling them who they should really vote for, after all, I’m a retired art and creative director.

Funny thing is the best song and dance men and actors are the politicians, they should go to Hollywood.

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