Monday, July 30, 2007


Well I spent the whole of two hours this morning in the heat and humidity, brushing down the sides of my pool, and skimming off the top of the water, only to have a thunderstorm of biblical proportions rain down upon my yard to cause even more flooding than I had previously. Now I have to set up the pump and then the aquabot (a robot that climbs the walls and cleans the pool), then backwash with new chemicals all over again!

It never fails, do some hard work and what do you get for it? More work.

I weeded the other day and discovered new weeds growing where I just worked, eager weeds to replace what I took away.

Seems now I have flying ants, and I finally found where they were coming from, after I had carefully cleaned the floor in the kitchen, I had to spray the area of entry for these pests.

You are watching your favorite team at bat, suddenly the batter swings sending a vicious line drive off of the top of his foot. His face turns red in contorting agony, I’m sure the swear words are a mile a minute. The announcer says: “Ouch, that must hurt!” Then he says: “let’s see that again.” Then they show another angel. Not enough angels, well they have more and will show them to you.

My favorite is when I sit down in front of the TV, a sandwich or something about to enter my cranial cavity when the screen shows someone having a surgical procedure done to him or her.

Or I’m on the road, about to take a bite of a donut, when I come face to face with road kill.

Steve Philp said...

I can't remember where I'd originally found it, but my favorite is:

Why does turning the radio down make it easier to find the street you're looking for?

See his photo above.

I’m going back to bed.

1 comment:

Steve Philp said...

Thanks for the link! I'm still a daily reader and a big fan of your blog.

Here's another stumper for you... Why are there braille imprints on the drive-thru ATM keypad?