Sunday, July 01, 2007


As it does every year, summer promises to bring a lot of things to do and places to go for instance; this year we go up to Connecticut to the Coast Guard Academy for my God Child’s wedding, my niece Katie, marrying a fellow who is in the Coast Guard, having a military style wedding.

TLW (The Little Woman) and I will drive up my Mother and her gentleman friend, while my two sons will go with their cousin John, my God Son. Of course I will have to go to JFK International and pick up #1 Son from a JetBlue flight, from LA.

I think I’ll keep an eye on those two in the back seat, make sure there is no hanky-panky.

The wedding will give us a chance to fox trot and waltz, and even do a little lindy.

Being how the wedding is being held on my birthday, and that of my niece’s son Stephen, we share the same birthday, and so we will escort my Mother down the aisle.

Kathie is the second child of one of my older sisters, Fran and her husband Tom. Fran is one of my Mother’s favorites, being how she was named after my father’s mother. Mom has a few other favorites also, my three other older sisters, being how I am the only son I had to work harder growing up, trying to please everyone, especially four cranky older sisters and a cranky Mom. It’s one of the reasons I was able to adjust so well to marriage.

Then in August through the very kind invitation of my Brother-in-law Kevin (TLW’s brother) and his wife Sara, we will stay at their summer place in Cape May New Jersey for a few days. Should be nice to get away from the same old grind for a change.

We are planning several day trips and tours into Manhattan, maybe China Town and a historic landmark, an old restore tenement house to name a few.

So you have it for this year, aside from a few graduation parties in the neighborhood, and my days in the pool in my backyard.

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