Sunday, July 15, 2007


It started Sunday, as we were eating dinner in a restaurant before going to Westbury to the Johnny Mathis concert. TLW (The Little Woman) was complaining about a couple of what looked like mosquito bites on her arm and hands.

As the week progressed, the small itchy bumps increased in numbers and spread all over her arms, legs, hands and back. Putting on lotions didn’t help and the only thing that did was an antihistamine, which eased the itching.

Well I feel like I’m living in the novel from the 60’s “On the Beach” where people slowly die off from radiation poisoning from a nuclear war, as I now am starting to get the same little marks. Could it be the return of the Bubonic Plague?

The little pimples are building up slowly, two and three at a time, every few hours, and soon I will start to go mad like in the Dark Ages when the plague struck.

Well folks, this is it, little pimples will finally finish me off. This is not the way I wanted to go. I was hoping to die in my late 90’s by gunshot wounds from a young jealous husband

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