Wednesday, September 05, 2007


A spectrum is haunting the world, the spectrum of electronic devices. It seems that everywhere I go, people are tuned in and tuned out. It is indeed a contradiction, but indeed it is true.

People have become mesmerized with both the cell phone and the i-pod, walking around in a catatonic state, oblivious to the real world at large, and because of their inattentiveness, placing themselves at a real danger to life and limb.

Drive along the highways at breakneck speed, or in very busy intersections, the cell phone is glued to the ear, all the while breaking NY State laws forbidding the use of a cell phone while driving. There is a reason for that people, so you don’t kill yourself and anyone else on the road. I know once you do kill someone, you will be sorry, remorseful and will swear off the phone while driving, and NY State will make it easy for you to do that, behind bars.

I see people walking along at playgrounds, on trains, shopping centers and parking lots, oblivious to their surroundings, speaking in an annoyingly loud voice, showing off their obnoxious little gadgets in public. Don’t get me wrong, I have one too, but it is shut off, and in my car for use in emergencies only, while the vehicle is stopped.

I have heard their phones ring in churches during services, funeral parlors, and just about every office I visit, and I can’t figure it all out. When I worked in the different companies and at home on a freelance basis, whenever the phone rang, I would get annoyed because of the interruptions. When I sit down to supper, it never fails to rile me when the damned thing rings as I eat, or when I sit to have a casual conversation with TLW (The Little Woman) or watch the boob tube. It astounds me that people would want these kinds of interruptions all day long, no matter where they go! And the stupid music that plays when one of these contraptions goes off, I don’t know if I should turn the radio down or get up and dance. And now, people walk around with these things held high, and why, to take a picture! It’s a phone, camera AND an annoyance.

As bad as all that is, I had Son #2 on the roof the other day cleaning out the gutters. Being how he lives with TLW and me, without any ownership in the house, I had to instruct him on what and how I wanted it done. He was deafer than I am! The thing is stuck in his ears, blasting away; I wonder if he realizes where his headaches are coming from?

It reminds me of the yuppies of the 80’s and 90’s who drove the fancy expensive cars, flaunting their newfound wealth, as they now flaunt their “Me-Now” look with their little toys.

Maybe I’m old fashioned, and I am, but does all this have to be so annoying, loud and interfering with people’s lives, where laws have to be made to protect the general public, so intrusive that it interferes with one’s right to worship or concentrate, or live peacefully at home? I think the cell phone and I-pod are great inventions, but so is gunpowder, it needs to be handled a little more cautiously and like automobiles, a little more safely.

If you feel insulted and wish to reply, do so at:, and I will publish your rant.

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