Saturday, August 25, 2012


Recently I read a story on the Internet about this man who was in a store when he came across a kindergarten teacher purchasing ten marble cover notebooks, which the teacher was going to pay for out of her own money and cut in half to distribute to her class.

To the surprise and happiness of the teacher, the man paid for the books himself, stating that he was doing it in memory of his dad, who was an educator. He felt that teachers were under-appreciated and under-paid! I have nothing against teachers, half my family is teaching and the other half is too young yet. But I have read about some of the contracts, pensions and ages they can retire at. I know of teachers that go on cruises and far away places for an awful lot of underpaid and
Under-appreciated people!

I feel underappreciated. I feel underpaid. I want some of that under appreciation so I can take a nice long trip around the world. TLW, (The Little Woman) is also in the same straits. She needs some appreciation. We are not asking for much, just enough NOT to whine about how unappreciated we are, truly. We too would like to have a nice fat pension, mind you not more than the teachers get, and our medical should also be fully covered: and oh, TLW said she could even go for the two month vacation. Yes, I know, they teach our children. If I was going to give kudos out to any for dealing with my children, it would be for those that work with the handicapped, the developmentally disabled, and to nurses, who nurse not only children, but me and God forbid my wife back to health, while changing bed pans and taking guff from unhappy people, while gently caring for them, cleaning them and trying to heal their wounds.

Actually I’m glad for teachers that they do so well, like my sisters and in-laws and nieces and nephews, but they don’t warrant any more appreciation or recompense than the garbage men, a noble profession.

Send all your hate mail to my agent, but I can’t guarantee anything since he doesn’t get paid and can’t read.

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