Thursday, February 07, 2008

OOPS!, I’M A CLUMSY (%(*&(%^

It was 2:00 P.M., time for me to get the mail from the mailbox, so I went out and pulled down the little black door (without help) and took out the contents.

Walking back to the house, I noticed that most of the mail was for #2 Son, and thought that strange. Usually he gets maybe one piece every other day. Today he had about 6 pieces.

I opened the storm door and as stepped into the house, I must have caught my foot on something while not paying attention. I suddenly lost my balance, and fell toward my left, crashing into the horizontal doorknob, face forward.

My head hits the door, and I go crashing down, my left eye hurting as well as my big head. I swear to you I did not fall off my ego. As I hit the hard stone tiled floor, I could feel the shock of it all, and thought I might have injured my eye. Sprawled on the ground, mail everywhere, and my glasses strewn next to me. I lied there very still and tried to not move right away. I reached for my glasses, put them on and realized that my left eye did not see too well. I poked my finger through the lens of the left eye, and sure enough: no glass lens. It was about 3 feet away from me.

Getting up, I popped the lens back into place, but notice that the lens had a deep gouge that had a lump on the other side of the lens. That lens saved my eye!

Feeling like you fall face forward, every time you read this blog? Write a strongly worded protest to your blogger:, and a copy to your State Senator, I sure she’s available. Tell him: “Why didn’t you fall out of a window upstairs?”

1 comment:

Laura L-V said...

oh, no! i hope you are okay. (MFF)