Monday, February 25, 2008


Way back in the 1950’s, there was a show called: “Father Knows Best” starring Robert Young. It was a show about a family that had their sliced bread little problems, and dear old Dad would solve them. With a moral to the story, week after week, Robert Young was a hero. Mom stayed home, the kids went to school, and Dad went to work, came home, ate, wore a cardigan sweater and solved issues until 9:00 PM, when the family went to bed. There were no Sundays or Saturdays, and the sun never set.

Along came a magazine in the 1960’s called: “Mad Magazine”, starring that fictional character: Alfred E. Newman. One month they spoofed the Father Knows Best show, calling it: “Father Knows Wisest”, about a Japanese family.

Joe DelBloggolo came along, father, artist, husband and sometimes schmuck who did everything his wife told him to do. Why-because he is in love. He had some kids, and one day his #1 Son got a license to drive. When Teenagers get licenses to drive, they are dual-purpose licenses. One is to be legally on the road to operate a motor vehicle, and the other is to drive parents crazy. Thus: dual license to drive.

Being how I wanted my life to be sliced bread ordinary, not too much motion or commotion, I went to work, TLW (The Little Woman) stayed home to raise the kids. Being I wished to be like Robert Young, I tried, yet still came out looking like Alfred E. Newman. TLW did all the grunt work, taking care of family and family business. Need a car registration updated, TLW took care of it and Alfred E. Newman never even knew. Whatever needed to be done, TLW did it. Why? Because TLW was in charge, that’s why, besides, why trust me to do a Man’s job when I had someone far more capable.

In the course of our days, and my being Wisest to let TLW handle all, #1 Son got a ticket for not updating his registration. We were driving to work one morning, while I was lecturing him on his responsibilities in renewal of registrations and or licenses when Lo and Behold (I still don’t know what the hell it means, but why not use it) up the road from us is a police checkpoint, checking registration stickers. I immediately had a panic attack and said: “Goddam, I hope your Mother took care of it!”

Looking for someone to “Take care of this blog, or the so-called writer? Hire a hit man by writing to: Send 10 large and he will take care of everything.

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