Tuesday, August 21, 2007


You have all heard of the phrase; “Your better half” but I know I never knew what it meant until I woke up one day and found out!

Every night or should I say early in the wee hours of the morn, TLW (The Little Woman) and I joust, struggle, position and try to out maneuver each other for the blankets while in bed. She has her strategies, and I have mine.

It generally starts by each of us trying to lull the other party to sleep, to get an immediate upper hand. TLW has been studying the warfare strategies of Erwin Rommel in the desserts of North Africa, while I was studying Kim Basinger and her strategies of beach wear.

Obviously, I’m not winning.

I find myself awaken in the middle of the night, with an angry LW next to me, trying to wrestle the covers away from me, by resorting to sheer will power, mighty attempts at physical takeover and the more subtle strategies of gently pushing me over to grab more blanket.

This is a war of attrition, I figure she is trying to freeze me out, collect on the insurance without being charged with murder since it will look like I just froze to death, and then she will find a younger husband!

I am losing the war, and she will be crowned the “Better half” for winning it.

The soontobtlatejoedelbroccolo@yahoo.com

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