Monday, August 06, 2007


The heat finally abated from the norm of mid 90’s and the humidity took a day off, but as I am writing this, the heat and humidity seem to be creeping up again!

Today, all day, I’ve had my good buddy and best friend Phil on my mind, and was meaning to call him to see that everything was OK with him, when the phone rings tonight and who is it but Phil! It kind of freaked me out as they say. But I was glad to hear from him and know that all is well.

Yesterday, TLW (The Little Woman) asked me to go to the mall with her to get a little walking exercise in from the big sizzler breakfast we had that morning. As we walked she asked me to go to JCPenney to look at some jeans for #2 Son. She reminded me that the last time I was there, I went into convulsions, trying to deliberately swallow my tongue and to try not to do it this time around. Not remembering why I went, pretending that I remembered, up we go in the escalator and into the boy’s department. I start looking around and immediately it hits me. They are selling used jeans for new prices, and not only are they doing it, but John Deere is getting in on the act! Deere has a line of baseball caps that are all nicked in the visor in the same places, and you are going to pay $20 for the privilege. Pardon my French but no (*&^#$% way!

Then the jeans have worn threads and holes, all top dollar. I have a fortune in outer-ware that I should be flaunting, not mending. I mean how dumb is it to buy jeans that look 5 years old, and like they have been worn every day for the last five years?

I know, I’m not cool.

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