Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Recently TLW (The Little Woman) complained that the door in our den, leading out to the side yard was kind of industrial looking to her. TLW likes entertaining doors, and this was not doing the job. She asked me if there was something to be done about it, and the idea of painting something on the glass came up. This idea was hers, and I just follow along, like I’m supposed to.

This is a whole new world to me. The world of glass painting, and it involves technique, special paints and what not, plus a plan. Once I got involved, the plan was simple and the technique came on strong. I fell in love with glass painting. I think the reason for that is many years ago when I was a little fellow, my Dad used to create glass novelties and sell them. One of the things he would do after using a Bunsen burner and a huge oxygen tank that was hooked up to it was to knit the glass rods was to paint the items in a lacquer finish, the paints were vibrant and colorful but stayed clear in spite of color. I used to watch him for hours as he painted them, swans, horses, gondolas and birds, and sometimes even sail ships of dynamic beauty.

Glass painting is different in that I will paint on clear glass dishes, glasses, vases, on enamel objects, tiles, etc., and will be able to do some neat things with it. I guess it will become another thing to do in the creative realm of Joe Del Bloggolo!

My eventual plan is to create a little business on the side that will be used for making money to donate to Suffolk Chapter Association for the Help of Retarded Children.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There is a wonderful website that I used that makes it real easy
