Friday, February 20, 2009


Back in the 70’s when I worked in New York City, I would walk from the 51st street station to 54th street to get to my office. It is mid-town, the center of a lot of interesting people and things to do and see.

Every morning on my way, I could guarantee myself at least one nut a day. I know I am not being very nice, but there were nuts out there! For instance, there was this one guy who stood on Lexington Avenue, holding religious cards, speaking to himself and sticking the cards out for people to take one. What made him nuts? He was speaking to himself in a jibber jabber that was not language.

Then there was a homeless guy or dude, as they say today, who would sit on the sidewalk, and make commentary about the world politic. Occasionally, on the bitter cold mornings, I would buy two cups of coffee, and leave the dude one. He would take the coffee, and sometimes an egg sandwich, if I felt magnanimous, and he would tell me that I wouldn’t have to do this much longer!

There was a woman who lived in a corner apartment house, on the second floor. I think it was on 52nd street. She would be by her window, looking out, bare-chested. I would look up, wave and smile. There was a newsstand on the same side and the proprietor would say; “You like that stuff, huh?”

Of course, you couldn’t go ten feet without finding someone talking to him or herself. If for some reason, I didn’t get my nut of the day, I would be disappointed! This would cause everything to seem off kilter, and necessitated my going for a walk on my lunch hour. It was on one of those walks that I realized I was just as bad as they were for needing them!

Please remember my brother-in-law John, and DD and all those that need our prayers.

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