Monday, February 02, 2009


Last evening, TLW (The Little Woman) and I were talking about the blog. One of her ‘complaints’ is I am taking away her reason to talk.

I know this is a serious offense. (Husbands out there, are you reading between the lines here?)

It seems that whenever she starts a conversation with someone, they are ahead of her in the facts, they “read it on the blog”. Which leaves her to go on to things other than life, as we know it as a couple. For instance, my ISIL (Italian Sister-In-Law, Angela was on the phone with TLW last week, when she interrupted TLW with prior knowledge obtained from my blog. I too, get that once-in-a-while. Maybe not as often, since people like to see if dementia has set in on me yet, but yes, once-in-a-while.

Life for TLW has become like a series of start-up conversations, which need not be completed. This is saving her time! This is what everyone in life would want! Just think of the savings in words!

“Did you hear about…”
“Think it will…”
“Maybe I should…”
“Don’t be…”
“I’m not being…”

You get the picture? Never wonder if you are grammatically correct anymore! Searching for words? Don’t, it will only waste time anyway.

I was wondering if the use of “ETC”. will come more into use? It could signal when you are finished with a sentence, but wish not to formally end it?

OK, so I didn’t have much to say today.

Please remember DD and all those that need our prayers.

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