Monday, April 27, 2020


I have spent a lot of money over the years watching things like Apple TV, and Amazon Prime. You become amazed by the number of shows there are to watch when you purchase these systems and then you become amazed by the fact that there is a special routine for each to allow you to watch the programming.

Then you take out your tray table, set the remote to play, put your dinner on the tray table piping hot, and begin the process of selection and starting the show. You select, press ‘Play’ on the remote, lean back in your chair, ready for the entertainment promised.

All of a sudden the show starts, the credits are long and you wait for them to run their course, suddenly a character appears and the music moves you then… it goes into one of those damned cycles where a little spinning arrow starts in and you must wait for it to stop! You get impatient and now reach for the remote pushing all the buttons. You think; I’ll go back to the lineup and so press ‘Return’ and then resume, getting about a minute of where you left off and the damned arrow comes back. You think, all these pain-in-the assess are on this same show at the same time, or, the damned cable company should really do something about this! You are not done yet, no, you must now blame Amazon or Apple, but someone must be shot for this.

When you finally get it to work, or just give up, your food is cold, uncut and uneaten!

I wonder how Netflix works?

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