Wednesday, April 01, 2020


Or surviving my ignorance. 

Yesterday I needed some peanut oil for my dinner last night.
I love Asian food, if I say ‘Oriental’ food, I will get a strongly worded protest from #1 Son. ‘Oriental is only for rugs or the area, you can’t call someone ‘Oriental’ This lesson I learned from the child I told to look both ways when crossing the street.

I park my car and head into the supermarket and everyone has cold hands and ready to rob the joint. As I approach an aisle, people are turning their heads abruptly from me causing me to think I should have combed my hair better.

After shopping in my small convenience store, I discovered it didn’t have any oil at all! This is an inconvenience for me since I had to travel to the supermarket!

I find what I’m looking for and then some and go to the checkout to pay. The self-checkout is open and there is no one there, but I always get into arguments with the ‘voice’ that oversees my checkouts. I decided I would not get pissed off and go to a human being, one smaller than me if possible, in case I get into a fight with him/her.

Ahead of me on line is a woman, rather large and hungry judging by her basket of groceries, piled to overflow, like her jeans. She has bought everything there is to buy, and now is paying cash for it all. She is paying in one-dollar bills. She is doing this in front of me. My feet hurt.

Suddenly the checkout lady turns to me and instructs me that I have to stand behind the tape on the floor, six feet behind the tape ahead of me. I look down and step back, slightly offended but I think she is right.

Behind me pulls up a nice lady in her early sixty’s, casually perusing the magazine rack while I’m perusing the candy rack. She is close to me! Too close! Should I tell her and risk offending her or just ignore it and make the mean checkout lady yell at her. I decide to inform her.

“Ma’am, YOU are standing too close to me, and if you don’t move back she (pointing to the checkout meanie) will yell at you!”

“Oh! I didn’t realize it, Haha! I guess I have to get used to all this.”

The meanie looks up and is smiling and says, “Sorry lady, THIS CHECKOUT IS CLOSED!”


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