Monday, April 13, 2020


It seems strange that the churches and temples are now closed, barren of ritual or faithful maybe no candle flickers or prayer book opened. With the sounds of silence so prevalent, I wonder if things are any worse or not.

I wonder if the need for a brick and mortar is essential in religion if indeed it is more a divider than a unifier? Does it draw boundaries or cause the division we all seem to feel with prejudice about how we should believe and praise God? The rituals constructed by man long ago, the rituals that separate one type of Christian from another?

As I look at the response around the World to the COVID-19 I marvel how so many have come together, crossing religious lines to attend to their brothers and sisters.

Sometimes we don’t recognize God’s hand nor do we understand it, so we don’t recognize it. Make no mistake, this is a very serious situation the World finds itself in, but there is a thought I might share with you: will the World remember us in 100 years from now? Will anything religion has implanted in our hearts and souls be credited with the defeat of the pandemic, or will it be the universal spirit of compassion and empathy that guided us?

Sometimes bad things happen to America externally like Pearl Harbor or 9-11 and some times internally like Donald Trump. Now this reminder how bad our choice of presidents is with the COVID-19 pandemic, that we need to reassess what is best for our children and grandchildren. We need to stop listening to Trump with his so-called “White House” briefings, filled with denials, misinformation and political rhetoric that come daily from his lie-filled mouth. The Child-in-Chief needs to be stifled and put on trial for his actions causing so many deaths in this country. I wonder if those who supported this ignoramus in 2016 having passed because of his policies would condone if they could his re-election?

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