Thursday, April 30, 2020


As you know, the dreaded virus has visited upon my family in my daughter Ellen. I don’t know what tomorrow brings and it does concern me. My daughter’s fate is in the hands of God, Providence, or whoever is the force of life on this Earth.

If there is one thing that rings true it is that people are incredible, people like you who have read my words about this nightmare and have responded with love, concern, and care. For my wife and me, this is very consoling, very appreciated, and somehow uplifting. The number of prayers promised, makes us hopeful and we appreciate your loving concern. Thank you, it shows that the ugliness in this world is buried by good people and warm hearts, you raise your hands in hope-filled prayers and I can almost feel that power.

No matter what happens I owe you a thank you for your love and we love you back.

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