Thursday, April 09, 2020


As we trudge through this pandemic secluded in our homes, a lot has changed, will change, and seems we have built-in for the changes thanks to technology and adjusting as humans.

As my daughter Ellen resides in a nursing home she is stuck in because of the COVID-19 precautions, we cannot physically visit her but must rely on the tools of technology. This means prescribed times with an I-pad to visually see each other without leaving our homes. Face Time is the way to do this. We are thrilled that we can do it and it helps us settle our minds as we worry anyway as her parents.

Visiting California to visit my grandchildren is also no longer possible as we avoid the germ pit of the pressurized cabin of an airplane. I always catch whatever may be about on these planes and get sick within a day of landing in Burbank.

It has got me wondering about how things will be done in the future. For instance: doctor’s visits, will there be any changes in how we schedule as life returns to a non-pandemic world. How many haircuts are going to be needed? Will we now have to schedule an appointment for a barbershop?

How many cars will need attention at the local mechanic, and will the increase in demand take us to the limit? Jobs that were lost will suddenly come back to life, will we have the same jobs or will we need to re-interview?

There are people with psychological problems, how will the flow of patients be handled, will there be a problem seeing them in a timely fashion? Those that are intent on committing crimes, home or car break-ins are sure to increase as social distancing and home seclusion is over?

And here is my biggest question: will churches and temples suffer from a marked decline in attendance as people get used to not going during the pandemic! Will home-schooling be on the increase?

Stay tuned.

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