Wednesday, June 03, 2020


Yesterday I was bitterly disappointed by the show of extreme insincerity shown by our president. It makes me wonder how anyone could be so faithful to a man who promised everything and has given us nothing. Yes, he kept a promise, a mean spirited one that denies who we are and our history as a nation, one of hope and love, and instead builds a wall to keep out those who seek a better life for their children.

Were we not as descendants of immigrants children? Did not our forefathers suffer the sacrifices so that we could as their children prosper, and did they not come to America to pave the way for all good men and women of good intent to come here too?

Did not the ‘Freedom to worship’ bear any semblance the practice? Did not God bless this nation of refuge with an abundance of his grace and enable people to live in freedom? Where not the people of this country the primary resource, the values that make us rich?

Yesterday’s show of political calculations by POTUS only proves what the pundits and talking heads have been saying: POTUS is a liar, over his head, and incapable to lead the people.

When peaceful demonstrations, legal in the minds of the forefathers of this country who created this great experience in democracy, are shuffled off to the side so that someone can make a photo-op for political gain, carry a bible in front of a church that is boarded up, due in part to the injustices of those who should be policing us and who have no empathy for the crimes committed against fellow citizens, who seeks to further divide us and encourage violence and dissension tries to sell us on his insincerity, it becomes outrageous and appalling.

To criticize the good governors of the many states who are working so hard and for the most part successfully against the Coronavirus that POTUS in his neglect and malfeasance, has enabled to spread and kill over 100,000 souls are told they are weak and then states something unlawful so he will look like a hero by claiming he can send in Federal troops without the permission of the governors, then we will see who is really weak.

The man has led us into economics havoc, chaos, rioting, division, looting, and burning, who knows not the law, continues to flout it and can not lead a nation to solace and understanding, unification and compromise, then he needs to leave, either by vote or force or immediately with both.

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