Sunday, June 14, 2020


I am not a social psychologist, nor a medical expert, nor do I wish to be political. I like my politics to be neutral, that is, independent of any political dogma fed to me by yours truly. I have lived for a while now and seen the full spectrum of political behavior and feel I can conclude, the Conservatism as I see it today, has no place in normal discourse.
Fortunately, the concept of ‘Independent’ as a political banner gives me the choices I need to make. I refuse to believe in political ideologies and vote by party line whether I believe in or not their policies.

Who among us would want a child to go to bed hungry? Who would want a family to live in fear, or perhaps, a father struggling to feed his family who doesn’t earn enough to feed them or to housing in a safe neighborhood, and take them on a vacation? Shall we take away the need to heal with the denial of medical care because they are transgender or Jewish or Black? Is anyone that cruel? Who among us wants to discriminate because someone is both black and a woman? Who among us has the right to play God, and keep our brothers and sisters down? When does it become evident that it is time to take your knee off their throats?

Those Confederate statues of generals that led the rebellion against this country, if we ‘honor’ them with a statue that holds the belief that all men are not equal, that our fellow countrymen, men, and women who have died in the war, paid out taxes, and salute the flag like anyone else, or follow the law, should we not honor Rommel, or Beck, or Reinhard Heydrich also? Maybe we should erect a shrine to Adolf Hitler, brought to you courtesy of the far right?

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