Sunday, January 15, 2012


Forty-one years ago today TLW (The Little Woman) and I got engaged.   Cigarette commercials were banned on TV and Radio, and other than that, it was a quiet day in for the history books.

What started on the Long Island railroad, I though I’d finish on the Long Island Railroad. We had decided to marry the day after Thanksgiving, 1970 and on January 14th, 1971 we went into the city to pick up the ring at the diamond district. To celebrate the occasion we went to the Riverboat restaurant near Penn Station, and I promised her I would give her the ring on St. Valentine’s Day.

I lied.

I could see she really wanted that ring, and she wanted it NOW! As for me, holding onto the ring made me nervous. That night I resolved to surprise her on the train and let her have it.

The next morning she joined me on the train and I slipped it on her finger. We rode with tons of friends on one car, every day and night, everyone knew us and we were friends with everybody. Up and down the aisle Miss Manning paraded, showing off her ice, flinging her bling, and I watched from my seat as people were really enthused about the event.

Every now and then I do something right, this was one of them. I guess you could say she was very engaging.

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