Saturday, December 08, 2007


Yes, that magical time of the year is approaching fast. That special time when I go into the garage, get a step stool, (no, not step in stool) and reach up for the holiday decorations.

In a long box sits my tree, with lights on, ready to go. Then there is the tedious process of getting down the boxes of balls, garland and whatnots. (As I’ve said before, I have a lot of whatnots.)

Last year I had the inspiration of placing the decorations, still in the box, outside my front door. When you come to visit me, you reach inside the box, and select a decoration to hang somewhere, the tree, the walls, anywhere you want. When the season is over, as you leave my house, you take down the decoration and place it in the box. Don’t worry about the box; I’ll put that away.

I hate putting up decorations, getting the stuff down and putting it up. I know you must be thinking: “But this bum was complaining that it didn’t feel like Christmas in California!” Well, true, but it doesn’t mean I have to make it so.

Then there is the snow village, that dirty little slum I have to build every year in the front window of our dining room. The Dicksonian theme of: snow, caroling, horses and sleds, snow covered churches and brats. Now in my neighborhood, if you heard: “HO_HO_HO!” you immediately call the police and complain about a prostitution ring going on.

Hey, I’m no Scrooge but, it seems to me that the whole idea of Christmas is out of whack, too much of a deal about making ones self stressed out, poor and over-weight. Give me a simple time, a simple gift to give, a nice little dinner with family and friends and I’m happy.

This year I have all my kids with me, that will make me more than happy, and it will be a real holiday of both joy and thanks. That is what I wish for you, too.

Have a Scrooge in YOUR life? Have him read this blog, you might witness a miracle.

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