Saturday, December 29, 2007


Today #2 Son is 20 years old! To think he has survived this long with me is amazing!

#2 Son is special in a lot of ways. He helped ease the memory of a tragedy that occurred years ago when we lost a son, Mike as he likes to be called is the “Baby” of the family, the spoiled one. He is also very thoughtful, caring, crazy and kind. Handsome like his Mother is beautiful, he put life in the household when #1 Son moved to California. He is in a great rock band, and I really like the group.

Most importantly, he is MY son, talented, handsome and caring to a fault. He once freed the chickens in a chicken coop because he felt they shouldn’t be confined. He doesn’t eat meat, because he cares about animals. He joined the Family Worker’s Party because he supports the downtrodden.

If he has a bad feature, it is he is a slob. So who isn’t? I just wish he would quit smoking. As someone very close said about him: “He eats vegetables, and what he doesn’t eat he smokes.”

Once, as a young teen he came home to tell us his friend was thrown out of the house. Mike went into the pantry closet and took out a new bag of cookies and gave them to him. He thought we should take him in.


Now pick up the cigarette butts around the property.

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