Saturday, September 22, 2012



With a fishing problem!

Cape May is over, the vacation is done with and so I move on, sadly. While I was away I was a little lax in my updates to the real world. For one, the Mustangs, the beast of the Mid-Atlantic Conference, (MAC), AKA Stevenson University lost another game, but not without a great fight, losing in overtime 29-22! It would have been a lot closer except they don’t have a 5th quarter in football, so I turned to my fifth in solace.

We haven’t heard a lot from #2 Son, always a good sign, and all is quiet on the western front where #1 Son resides with TLC (The Lovely Courtney). We are going through a rash of birthdays and so it goes for September.

October I will be on the road for a while, in Albany for a few days and then Los Angeles for a week, where there is business in one and pleasure in the other.

Fall is my favorite time of the year. The weather cools down and the humidity goes away, meanwhile the holidays start up with Halloween and Thanksgiving, then of course Christmas and then the New Year.

The Island really becomes beautiful in the guise of Mother Nature, with the trees and the smells of autumn in the air. Bright sunny days that get shorter each day seem to sparkle for some reason, we get together with friends for dinner parties and I have more interest in doing things.

This Christmas I will have a guest for the holidays, my Aunt Marie’s granddaughter Christina, who will learn a lot about her grandmother from her cousins, which she will find fascinating I’m sure. But she will also be meeting her family for the first time, experiencing an Italian Christmas Eve, my favorite holiday, and will hopefully want to be part of our family.

I have always felt that my sisters are very gracious and welcoming. When we have had holidays over the years, we have invited friends of the family to take part if we felt that you were very special and would be a great fit. We still carry on the tradition, but Christina never met us until her grandmother passed this year. She got to meet two of my sisters along with Mom and me, so she has a lot of catching up to do with two other sisters and all the kids that come with that!

I’m excited about the new-year coming, and am looking forward to doing new things with my life, including the continuation of work on the board of directors. I have been on a 2-week diet and have lost 14 days so far!

The Editor and staff of DelBloggolo bring this update to you!

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

How nice for Christina to be meeting her family. She will soon learn how lucky she is.