Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me!

I’m too embarrassed to write this, but write it I will.

In the past, I’ve written about how 'Happy', my American Cocker Spaniel rings the little bell at the base of the Den door when she wants to go out. Chase a squirrel: “Cling” goes the bell. Chase a bird or do her business: “Cling” echoes throughout the den.

In the afternoon, about 4:30, she starts to prance and jump and bark. It means: get me some lettuce, if I feel like it, I will, if not, she has to wait.

About a week ago, she decided to try a new tact, and it worked! She went to the bell and rang it. I got up to open the door, and she starts to the kitchen, prancing; doing her I want some lettuce dance.

After realizing what she did, I laughed and got her what she wanted. A few days later: ‘clang’, up I got and prance she did, off to the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks and she stares at me, on her hind legs, waiting. Grudgingly, I went to the kitchen once more and fed her.

Then last Friday; she did it again! Three times, I fell for her trick!


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