Thursday, August 07, 2008


Last evening TLW (The Little Woman) and I went to a picnic of sorts at my daughter Ellen’s group home in Wading River.

Everyone was sitting outside on picnic tables as the picnic was almost over when we arrived. We decided to sneak up on Ellen and surprise her, as we approached the area from the side of the house. Poking my head around the corner, I scanned the various tables, and there she sat, enjoying a piece of chocolate cake.

As we approached, she turned and saw us, jumping out of her seat and running over to us. Clapping her hands she took TLW’s hand and we walked her around a little until suddenly, she lost her balance and fell! Being how she is so unsteady on her feet, we come to expect that, but this time she twisted her ankle a little (Not serious) and scraped her knee, opening up a tear and bleeding.

Immediately the staff came running to assist us. The cook, the day care people and her parents took her inside to tend her wounds and make her feel better as someone fetched a nurse. After the excitement died down, we were all in the living room, staff, nurse and cook and all Ellen’s house mates. TLW and I went to greet everyone, shaking hands and getting hugs where we could. We started to talk about Ellen, and it seemed that everyone in the house had a personal relationship with my little girl. It was one of the warmest feelings one could possibly get from this wonderful staff of people. Ellen’s friends surrounded us.

I’ve been on the Board of Directors for over 19 years, dealing with all the programs both as President of the Board and chairman of various committees. I play Santa Claus every year at the annual Christmas Dance, and I’ve spotted the staff interacting in the mall unknown to them, and each and every time I have seen them, they have treated the people in their care with love and kindness. This is no act; they genuinely care, and take their jobs seriously.

If by chance you see them in your mall, or on a street you are traveling, working a wheel chair or assisting someone to walk, don’t be afraid to go up to them and say: “Thanks.” for making humanity great by lifting up the people who love, and need love.

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