Sunday, August 03, 2008


On July 10th of this year, I wrote about “Simple Love. If you read it, you will remember that my daughter Ellen; was heart broken that a gentleman with developmental and physical disabilities that resides in her home by the name of Stan was away at a hospital.

Stan is a very gentle soul, and like my daughter Ellen: one who does not speak. Like an old married couple they sit together in their living room, just enjoying each other’s company.

I also wrote that when Stan went into the hospital, Ellen was found, lying on Stan’s bed, missing him. Their affection for each other is simple in nature and practice, but very beautiful.

We hoped that Stan was finally sent home to recuperate from whatever ailed him, and Ellen would be very happy.

Today, this evening, we received the news that Stan had passed away this morning.

It saddens us, (The Little Woman) and me whenever one of these guys passes on. It saddens us to know that they lived lives that were sheltered from the mainstream, and that they lived in pain, or sometimes agony.

Today not only did Stan pass away, and maybe that was for his better, no more pain, but if will sadden Ellen. She will search for him, and she will look in all the rooms of her home. She will not understand what happened to Stan, just like I cannot understand what happened to my beautiful daughter Ellen.

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