Tuesday, October 04, 2011



Like this great nation of ours, we took the bad and made something good come out of it, so did TLW and I.

After Hurricane Irene struck, we-TLW (The Little Woman) and I sat in the dark and looked at each other. Well, we squinted at each other.

All through the day, we stumbled through the dark, bumping into each other without smiling.

In our upstairs bathroom we have a motion sensitive light that sits on the vanity. TLW purchased it a few months ago so when we get up in the middle of the night it goes on automatically when one appears, casting enough light to illuminate what we need to see. You walk into the bathroom, no switch is turned on, but there you are in shadows, ready to do business. Isn’t America wonderful?

After the lights came back on, I mentioned to TLW that we should have made better use of the light and should get more to light our way at night. A few weeks later, a box comes from UPS or Fed Ex, and it is addressed to TLW. She comes home from the Wanna-Be-Bank & Truss Co. and opens it up. Lo and behold (There’s that stupid phrase again!) are two night-lights that are motion sensitive.

I feel like Jesus!

At the first landing going up the stairs sits one light, on a long wall over the landing and overlooking the long flight of steps on a shelf sits the second light, and as you get to the top sits the third light in the bathroom. As you walk into view of the lights, they follow you along, going on, making you feel important up until you get to the bathroom. All without lifting a switch!

After coming down the stairs one morning, lit all the way, I looked up and said: "Thank You!

Now, when she tells me to throw out the garbage or go shit in my hat, after doing so, I take the path upstairs and then down, just to feel important once more!

The End.

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