Tuesday, October 18, 2011


The other day, TLW (The Little Woman) decided to discover the world of left-handers. In baseball they are called ‘southpaws’. She discovered that 5 out of the last 7 President’s were lefthanders. Most engineers were lefthanders. She claimed that lefthanders are generally speaking better looking, smarter, and just down right wonderful. About only 10% of the world population is left-handed.

Lefthanders spend a lot of time telling the world, or 90% of the world how wonderful they are. 5 of 7 of the Mac creators were left-handed! I happen to know a left handed person who lives with me, sleeps with me, and eats with me, and sometimes will peruse her laptop. Every now and then, ‘Lefty’ will come across a need to do something other than just read a web page. She can’t! No, she calls upon a right-hander to help her out. A non-pc person, a Mac user, is where she seeks help!

Her list of great ones went on and on, pausing only to gasp for air. She further explains how she lays out money at the Wanna-Be-Bank and Truss Company, paints a wall in the opposite direction of the norm, and all other sundry attempts at normalcy.

Some of what she says is true: some of what she’s selling me is not!

However, I must offer this theory as to why a lot of famous people are left-handers.

Left-handers live in a right-handed oriented world. As right-handers, we go through the world unchallenged, but not so with left-handers. Necessity is the mother of invention! They struggle and find a newer way to do things. This brings on new ideas, sometimes better sometimes not.

For over 40 years, I have been going to weddings and functions where we sit at round tables, for a dinner. More often than not, I end up without a water glass. The person sitting on my right has my water glass. Why? The glass is set to go on your right: the one on your left is for the person on your left. TLW sits down usually on my left so that our hands don’t bump into each other as we eat and drink. She immediately reaches for a water glass on her left, starting a chain-reaction, which leaves me thirsty.


Princess Pat said...

Didn't know there was one but
Happy Left Handers Day Ellen.
I'll have to tell my left handed
sister-in-law about this but
she might expect a pair of left
handed scissors as a gift.

Michele DePalo said...

I live with a left-hander as well, and we have the same problems at dinner tables when we sit side by side. And how about how they put papers in files upside down? Drives me nuts.