Friday, October 14, 2011


I’m coming out of the closet and admitting to being a vampire! I know, that’s crazy but I have to admit, I’m getting the symptoms of one.

My chair in the den is situated to face the TV, like any guy, I need full frontal view of the Mets screwing up a game, the Jets giving me a heart attack late in the game, the Knicks lulling me to sleep, and the Islanders leaving me cold, once again.

Around 10:30 am, when the sun is out, it shines into my den from a skylight I have. The sun will shine right into my eyes, and if I am working on my laptop, it will interfere with the screen and blind me. Similarly, around 2 or 2:30 in the afternoon, it will re appear from my back window, a large window with a view of my back yard. It too becomes difficult to read the screen of the laptop, obliterating everything on the screen. I hate it.

If you didn’t know already, I love rainy days, I love the sound of rain falling gently on the roof, I love the evenness of the gray light that never makes it difficult to see my laptop screen. It is very inductive for taking naps in the early afternoon, and for watching old black and white movies on the TV. Winter afternoons and early evenings bring a certain comfort to me, taking me back to my commuting days when I worked for a living, and traveled the LIE. Now on those days I put on the traffic channel with a cup of tea and enjoy watching others live through it.

Yes, I am a cranky old man, but one that likes order. I designed the room myself, to take advantage of the sun traveling across the sky to afford me maximum sunlight! So why the hell am I complaining?

1 comment:

Jim Pantaleno said...

It's a well known fact that exposure to sunlight is a mood elevator, so soak it up and feel the crankiness recede. Love that window by the way.