Sunday, February 12, 2012


I sat looking over old blogs I wrote in 2008, just perusing and reading, when suddenly my right ear started to play music.

Many years ago, TLW (The Little Woman), not unlike my mother, complained that I never listened to her. So, many years later I wear a hearing aid in each ear. Now I still don’t listen to them, but a lot better!

Anyway, the hearing aid in my right ear plays a little music to warn me to get a new battery or it will continue and make me nuts. I am a right-eared person, meaning my leading ear is the right one. So if the phone rings, I stick it (Hey!) in my right ear. This makes me comfortable.

As I change the battery, I think: “I bet TLW will call now, while my ear is down. Well, wouldn’t you know it, the phone rings and it is TLW!


“Hi, how’s it going?”

“Well, now that you mention it, fine, but I just finished telling myself with my hearing aid out that you would call, and sure enough! I’m talking to you left-eared! Can you hear me ok?”

“Yes, I ‘m talking to you left-eared. (She’s a lefty.) Can you hear me OK?”

I guess we are married long enough to understand what we are going to do. She is even thinking what I think at the same time, and I can finish her sentences. (The only time I get to talk)

I was reading a blog about my dog Happy and my taking her to the groomer when TLW called. The memories became so vivid that after I had hung up, I got out of my chair and was heading to the kitchen, expecting to see Happy lying on the floor!

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