Tuesday, May 08, 2012


Ever hear of writer’s block? Well if I were a writer I’d have it today. Usually in the shower I get inspired to write about something. I call the shower ‘Inspirational Falls’ and I think it is a great way to start a day, that hot water cascading down on my head, waking up all those sleepy brain cells.

But selecting a subject, and then writing about how you feel is tricky, you have to be careful how you word things or your wife will vocally review and dissimilate the details as you see them.

It's good to keep options open
Of course my purpose is not to offend, but to simply inform people, you dear reader as to how someone with a dysfunctional brain sees things. My interpretations of life and what goes on is, different from yours. This I am sure of since TLW (The Little Woman) and I don’t always see eye to eye about how things come off. So in essence, this blog is about her, you and strangers, not me. I am a vessel that transports my truths to you to either accept or not (It’s OK to be wrong, and I forgive you) and to use this valuable information in planning your own lives. Having Torrequette’s Syndrome of the brain, the uncontrollable urge to spew out in you mind what you’d like to say out loud, is a hardship, but there is nothing I can do about it.

There are days that affect me greatly, and there are days that nothing happens. My blogue obviously is about nothing, however it is a complicated nothing, filled with trials and tribulations, brought on by the world and its nasty habits.

Don’t forget, I have not only TLW, but four sisters and a mother with a wooden spoon! The critiques get personal, and physical!

So I called Mom and asked how she was. She mentioned to me that she went to Mass and that two ladies came over and said they had breakfast with me. I asked who and she really didn’t know, so she wanted to know why I was having breakfast with strange women! These women were probably the same women I had breakfast with from my high school class.

#2 Son
I noticed a huge influx of goodies that I don’t eat in the house, and that can only mean #2 Son will be home soon. I’ll know for sure when he is asleep next to me in the car on the Hutchinson River Parkway. I’ll be frazzled from the political discourse. Had he known Jefferson and Handcock, the Declaration of Independence would never have been written, because they would have been too busy arguing with #2 Son!

Well, sorry I didn’t have much to say today, but writer’s block being what it is…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome home, Michael.
Aunt Angela