Tuesday, May 29, 2007


This morning as I gathered myself together for another day of cleaning up the yard, picking weeds from various spots on the lawn and walkway and pulling leafs off of the cover on the pool, I went inside for a cup of coffee, and could hear TLW (The Little Woman) giving #2 Son Hell for not being up yet, and for not having cleaned his messy room, a room that was supposed to have been cleaned up yesterday.

Dragging his lazy body out of bed after a severe badgering, he came down to gather himself, (yes, the apple doesn’t fall far from the apple basket) and I suggested that he keep the morning’s lesson in mind when he decides to propose to some unsuspecting young lady, and she in turn gets mad at his parents for not warning her. I also suggested that when they tie the knot a woman’s sweetness is like chewing gum’s, it might last only a short while.

After saying such things, I realized what a mistake I had made in warning him. Now he will never get married, and I will have to feed him until the day I die. Of course I will never warn the young unsuspecting gal because then we would never unload him, and I would be feeding him until the day I die. This is called a; lose, lose situation.

This is not to say that marriage is bad, just that it is bad for #2 Son. Once his LW (Little Woman) finds out what a slob he is, I’m sure he will be badgered, with yelling like a 7th Avenue train screeching into the subway station, not to mention the nasty things she will say about TLW, as she is cleaning up after him.

One thing about Fatherhood is we don’t get blamed for that. My Mother would make me make my own bed, clean my room and even iron my own cloths. My Mother was heavily armed with a wooden spoon in various sizes to fit the various crimes I committed. To this day she will threaten me, after I had four kids, and 36 years of marriage (For the record, they are happy years), her being 89 and about 4 feet 3 inches.

P.S. In yesterday’s blog, Steve Philip asked: “What are the yellow tubes around everyone's ears in the picture?”

Well Steve, Being how I was on my way out (If you catch my drift) I don’t really know what they are, but I felt I needed one on each ear to be “Well-balanced.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im surprised tlw doesnt complain about your skidmarks GETCHO STANKY ASS OUTTA HERE YOU DO IT TOO!