Saturday, May 16, 2020


I am the new generation of man the COVID-19 man. I have developed out of necessity and it was an evolution of both body and mind.

Once you become restricted to a certain atmosphere, you must ad=apt to it, something like a fish that suddenly finds itself out of the water and turns into an amphibian.

For instance, once I would never wear pajamas to bed, let alone socks on my feet as I shun what I thought was the sissy ways of a man. I loved to get into the bed and the cold sheets on a cold night. My body would warm the spot and make for a comfortable sleep. Then, for the first time this winter I started acting like a sissy, wearing tops and bottoms and… socks!

Since the quarantine of COVID-19, I am wearing slippers and enjoying them. Me, in slippers just like the sissy men do. I never wore slippers before in my life. I got them for Christmas presents but they lasted one day and I was through with them.

If this keeps up I’m afraid that I might start experimenting with earrings! God help me!

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