Saturday, May 30, 2020


If you can put aside the horror of the 100,000 deaths, deaths that are nothing to laugh at, there are some benefits to this thing.

For instance; HUGGING

I hate hugging, finding it awkward and annoying and makes my skin crawl and is unmanly.

Did you ever notice that hugging has replaced the handshake and even the kiss? What happens with this relatively new phenomenon is it starts a few feet distance as one turns to the other and sets the arms waist-high, crooked to look like a paralyzed crab, and slowly moves over to the other. Your heads keep a distance as you embrace but not really body touch, then to complete this stupid act, you pat ever so softly the persons back. The ‘HUG’ – UGH! Give me the damned old handshake and never mind this sissy stuff! How about doing what the Japanese do? Bow. No touching, no hugging, just a bow at a distance?

The mask-that thing that is like the value of money, almost as valuable as toilet paper. Now, if you happen to be ugly and are afraid to come out of your self-personal prison, you stayed away from people and especially little children. Then, the mask came along, and suddenly, with “Social distancing” you can go out and mingle with us really good-looking people as you circulate, mind you, you’re still ugly but nobody is noticing. The Mask – a boon to ugly people!

As an additional side benefit, you can now, as you walk down a street in your new face-wear, successfully stick your tongue out at someone without getting a punch in the nose as your tongue is hidden behind your mask!

Social distancing’ is the new normal. The rule is simple: stay away at a minimal six feet from people when in public and you can start to skip the morning shower! This is important because you can then stay in bed at least 15-minutes longer in the morning. This also means you now have more time before you spend your day sitting around the house as there is no place to go. This distancing also cuts down on laundry as you don’t need to change your underwear every day!

Gloves-A couple of days ago I saw a lady in a supermarket wearing gloves - it was 73 degrees Fahrenheit outdoors, and the gloves were big red woolen gloves, the snow and ice still stuck in the wool from the winter. You can’t buy gloves anywhere since they are sold out and therefore you can’t protect yourself from the lack of toilet paper! The rubber glove industry has taken off and what costs pennies to make will now cost tens of dollars to buy. However, there is a beauty to this, you can now write threatening notes to the IRS or a preacher for a lousy sermon your Rabbi, Priest or Minister made without leaving any fingerprints on the paper or whatever else you send them.

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