Friday, May 29, 2020


Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting with my grandkids on Facetime. The joy of seeing them is indescribable and pleasant. We get our call from #1 Son Anthony and we get to the computer and sign in to the joy that is.

My granddaughter, La Principessa regales us with her funny faces she makes, her dramatic poses, and actress-like demeanor along with body language to emphasize her condition at the moment. She is the light of my life. I even have a shirt with her photo on it! It is love at first sight and that gets stronger every day.

Then, there is Moscolo Marinara (Muscles Marinara). My grandson just needs to move and I crack up, I start to laugh uncontrollably, and yet, I see his face and I marvel at what a wonderful gift he is.

When he was born he had two strikes against him, losing a mother he never met and was about brain-dead at his birth, lying on a hospital bed fighting for his life. This little guy is a fighter!

At our last visit on FACEBOOK, he jumped, climbed and danced, then dropped a toy of some sort and went to pick it up, dropped it again and started to stomp on it, not once but a few times. As he was stomping, I started to laugh and couldn’t stop. Looking into the camera he eyed me laughing and a smile crossed his lips and eyes and did it all over again. I was reprimanded by TLW (The Little Woman) for encouraging him.

The first time I saw him in the hospital because he lost so much oxygen to his brain, the family was all in fear of what the future would hold for him. Would he be permanently mentally disabled? When I saw that frustration and determination, my mind was one of relief and joy.

God bless him.

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