Thursday, May 28, 2020


But let’s face it; the President of the United States has made a name for himself more than one and all of them can’t be repeated in good company!

But being true to his message, he manages to maintain his lack of popularity among the sane and rational.

If we look back on the last 3 and a half years with the Child-in-Chief, we can see examples that inspire the need to have him put on Mount Rushmore. Yes, Mount Rushmore, buried deep into the rock and we have a perfect pose for the sculpture and Presidential portrait to hang in the White House Toilet, see photo.

On Memorial Day I watched the TV as MSNBC televised along with Fox News, the POTUS at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, his pompous self-standing like a beacon of despair and disappointment to me. His constant need to belittle people’s physical appearance yet he looks like he stole something from somewhere and is hiding it under his clothes makes me wonder if the White House has mirrors.

The CORONAVIRUS has helped emphasize the need that we need people in the White House to lead this country who have experience in leadership. Leadership is planning, anticipating, guiding, and give examples of what the leader wants. We have a ‘president’ in name, but not a leader. It’s like chocolate milk without chocolate.

He wanted to open the churches to appease and win over his base support in the Christian Right, yet he goes off to golf instead of attending church as an example to the people. To keep in the Easter spirit, he deports children back to their homeland with the parent's support or knowledge.

His medical advisors have repeatedly told him and the American Public that wearing a mask was necessary to prevent the spread of the virus, yet he defies the advice and goes out without a mask as an example!

His advice although suggestive is to take a drug called hydroxychloroquine a 'game-changer' for Coronavirus! Or maybe some Lysol or lights will help?

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