Sunday, May 10, 2020



My beautiful Daughter-in-law, Courtney

My beautiful daughter, Ellen

My beautiful wife, Ellen

Bobby and Darby on their 'Wedding Day"

Helen, my mother-in-law

Mom and the family

Anthony, Ellen, Mike, and Joseph
One of the most wonderful sounds I ever heard was the sound my granddaughter Darby makes, it is so special and beautiful. I often think that she was born to replace my mother in this world as she was born a few months before mom died. That sound is ‘Grandpa’ when she calls me. It makes my pride swell and my heartbeat just a little smarter although quicker.

Today, Mother’s Day is also my Mom’s birthday, and how right is that? Over the years that has been the case many times and it made me feel she was the perfect mother… had to be, after all, her birthday and Mother’s Day? When Mom called her voice was the only sound I could hear, and the way she said my name still echoes in my heart.

My little granddaughter Darby Shea loves life, and loves to laugh, just like her great grandmother Olympia. I recall many years ago while working one afternoon, I closed the door to my office and was concentrating on the computer when I could hear some woman laughing outside in the pool of ladies that did the filing, typing, and billing. This woman sounded just like mom did when she laughed. Mom was in her late eighties at the time. It was a loud, happy laugh and I just stopped and listened to it. Her sound of laughter took me back to the many years of Sunday dinners, parties, and holidays when Mom was still active and the center of the Universe.

Mom had a very difficult life her father leaving my grandmother and three little girls. Mom grew up without her father. My poor grandmother raised her daughters despite it all, raising very respectful and moral women.

When I was in college, I didn’t have two nickels to rub together, working long hours to pay for my tuition, books, and art supplies. One year I managed to save some money. I didn’t know what I was going to do with it but an ad on the car radio came to life telling me that Mother’s Day was a few days off. Being I was in the Westbury area, I decided to go to Fortunoff and buy mom a Mother’s Day gift. There were this beautiful alabaster and cerulean pitcher and bowl set. I bought it, I had it wrapped and was praised by the sales lady for how beautiful it was. Her praise was nothing to compare with the appreciation mom showed when she opened the box.

When I visit Mom’s grave I often tell her about her great-granddaughter and great-grandson, Bobby. Bobby was born at the cost of his mom. He was robbed in so many ways, never to hear his mom’s voice call him, never witnessing a look of pride from her eyes as he made an accomplishment, never nesting in her heart and soul like his sister did and others before and after him. Courtney passing on the delivery table, my son named Bobby; Robert Courtney.

When I stand over Mom's grave I tell her about her grandchildren, my children. I tell her bout the achievements and even the heartbreaks that befall all three. Then I tell Mom about the fighter, the lady I married who takes up the fight always for hr children, nursing them, always reaching them, listening, and in a calming way assuring them that all is well in the end. My wife Ellen then silently does for them without their even knowing what she did, a kind of mother who waits in the wind and on the wings of a song.

Being a son means that sometimes you appreciate what your mom has done for you, but being a husband does. You see first-hand the worry, the concern, the silent vigils all mothers make. I see my wife Ellen in those rolls and I wonder where she ever learned that? Then I remembered a wonderful woman who must have imparted it all in her daughter Ellen’s being, her Mom Helen was a mom who got down in the dirt to play with her children, giving them a sense of real value, that you
Are no better or worse then anyone else, and if you thought so, just take a look in the mirror, closely.

To my Mom, my wife, my mother-in-law, here or the hereafter, and all the mothers that read these weak words, I wish you all the best and happiest Mother’s Day. Remember this, you are all instruments of God, his anointed creators, to assist him in the making of this world. What others do to it is their fault.

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