Friday, November 02, 2007


Many years ago, when I was just a tyke, at night, when Mom and Dad had enough of my sister, and me, would announce that we were getting dressed. Excitedly, I would ask where it was we were going to, and dear old Mom would say: “The feather ball!” Then I would ask her why I was putting on my pajamas for? And she would say it was a special ball where you put on your pajamas to attend.

Tonight I go to a real ball, the Suffolk Chapter AHRC Candlelight Ball. A formal dance for all the people who work for the agency, Included are; staff, Board and vendors. We have an honoree and fancy food, booze and lots of it. It is a very large fund-raiser for the people we serve.

The Candlelight Ball is an annual occurrence, with raffles, silent auctions and speeches, loud music and tedious conversations that all try to strain over the loud music to hear. Small talk becomes a large issue, wishing not to slight anyone, one moves from venue to venue, cocktail in hand, hors de ovules in the other, jiggling all to shake hands or kiss. These are the pain in the ass maneuvers.

Sometime around 11:30 pm, when all the food is finished, the drinks are lingering, the speeches done and the announced winners of the 50-50 raffles and silent auctions completed, as the music starts to heat up to a frenzy, I start thinking about going home to my own ball, the “Feather Ball.”

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