Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Being how I have been out here one full week already, I thought I should assess my stay in LA, and in particular in #1 Son’s world.

Living with someone other than TLW (The Little Woman) seems strange to me, since I’ve done it for so long. But with this strike of the Writer’s Guild, I figure the opportunity affords itself, and since I am retired, all my commitments can be put on hold for a while. The weather stays nice out here in California, I don’t see #1 Son much, so why not?

One of the things that took me by surprise is the nice life he has. First there is his apartment, situated in a good part of town, near a lot of things, and convenient to get to. But when one enters the place, the transformation of boy to man becomes apparent, the shocking news that #1 Son has grown up staggers me. As I gaze about, I see the neat and tidy look of a bachelor, one on the prowl none-the-less, with a well-ordered appointment of places for things and things for places. And don’t you dare spill something; you get a pointed look at to clean it up.

Being how he works all day when he doesn’t strike, he has a cleaning lady, who helps keep it clean for him. The things that adorn his apartment have some of his Mothers’ touch, some of his interests and all of his history and tastes. The funny thing is some of it is very much my taste. His tapes, books, CD’s DVD’s etc. are all lined up for easy access, and ready to be called up at a moments notice. All day long I go; “Just like a grownup!” Then it occurs to me, he is a grownup, and I am now an old fart, looking at the new world, new generation, doing what should be done! I shouldn’t congratulate him so much as to marvel at how time goes by so quickly, and you never see the transformation from boy to man.

Well I’m going on the net now to look up; “old age homes”, maybe something with little note pads and pencils so I can write down who I once was. Maybe I’ll find one out here in La La Land with a nice view, and #1 Son can drive me in his Prius, with built-in GPS!

Tired of waiting for old people to stop writing blogs, with their left blinker on doing only 10 words a minute? Write to:
tell him; GOOO AWAAAY

1 comment:

Laura L-V said...

You and TLW should move to Sunset Hall someday! I once saw a documentary about it - it's a Hollywood retirement community for free-thinkers. Son #1 will love it and visit in his Prius.

