Friday, November 30, 2007


Being the father of two sons, I sense that I am watched for flaws that both boys will detect. Their fear is that; they may at some point in their lives, emulate me. Whether the flaws are real or imagined.

For instance, last evening, we went to a Thai restaurant, and I sat next to a window, with #1 Son sitting across from me. A Thai woman was outside the window watering a potted plant, and as I watched her, she smiled at me. (I’m a customer) I smiled back. #1 Son wanted to know; “Why are you smiling?”

The waitress was Thai, and she had these socks on that just didn’t work with this black dress she was wearing, and it bothered me to a small distraction. It seemed odd. Again #1 Son: “You like that lady.” Me: “Huh?” Him: You keep looking at her.” Me: “Hah!’

I think we will be going out to eat separately for now on.

Sometimes when I have a cold, my nostrils will flare a little. Either #1 or #2 will say; “Why are you looking that way?” Me: “What way?” “You know, THAT way.”

If I am not dressed to their code of standards, I get the business. #1 Son once made me roll down my white socks when I was wearing a pair of summer shorts, because that was the cool way to wear socks.

I should have worn black thin dress socks that just go over my ankles, with brown shoes and shorts. That would fix him.

#2 Son has a passion for fashion. (Catchy, no?) He laughs at me because I wear a belt! Not only that I wear a belt, but also that it fits! Not only that it fits, but also my pants aren’t hanging down at my ankles. He laughs that I wear shirts that are slogan less, that I do not praise the virtues of Che, Fidel, Mao or that nut; Hugo Chavez! You #2 Son, you missed all of the old Kremlin guys. Nikita, Andre, and Leonid.

Anarchy? Revolution? Riots? Just reach in his closet.

Parenting is hard work and when they finally grow up, is when you really want to send them to their rooms.

Need some fodder to throw at the father? Write to;
Tell him, jeez, I’m glad I’m not your kid!

Today’s Blog is brought to you by the letters; D, A and another D, and the numbers: 1 and 2

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