Thursday, November 29, 2007


#1 Son has decided that he can’t have a donut every morning. This defies logic. Why can’t he have a donut every morning? He must have read it somewhere that donuts, my friend and yours, is no good!

I was thinking of creating a sort of DNR label like you find in a hospital. DND would stand for “DO NOT DONUT” a warning that goes on people that take up two airplane seats. By the way, the Daily Donut on Hillhurst Avenue in LA should become a national shrine, and embedded on the Hollywood Walk of Stars.

There are other labels that I would wear such as: OJD “ONLY JACK DANIELS!” and IRME for “I’M RESTING MY EYES!”, so no one disturbs me. Probably the most important one would be IH, for “I’M HUNGRY!”

But getting back to donutless #1 Son, and his request. This morning I brought home a single solitary donut, for my sole eating pleasure. Who gets up but DND #1 Son, looks at the donut and asks; “Is that the only donut?” “Yes, you said you didn’t want any anymore!” “Oh! OK” Me: “You want half?” Before I could finish my sentence, he had placed a knife in my hand!

Need instant relief, but don’t know from what? Write to:
tell him: If you go away, maybe all the world’s troubles will, too.

This blog comes to you by the letters D and N, and the number 1.

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