Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Tomorrow I spend Thanksgiving Day with #1 Son, for the first time in a few years, and only the second time in many years since he moved out here. To make it more festive, we were graciously invited by our friends, Christine and Steve, and two little bandits named: Mathew and Peter. Mathew is learning to play the drums, and already climbs the walls. Mom will be nominated for Sainthood, but I must say, there is an awful lot of life in these two beautiful children. I was lucky enough to attend Christine and Steve’s wedding a few years ago, or at least it seems a few, and can attest to the fact that there was one beautiful bride there, and a beautiful couple that haven’t changed. Whenever I come out here, they graciously invite me to their home for dinner, and make my stay an event to remember fondly. More importantly, they are true friends; the kind when the chips are down, they stand up.

After dinner, we visit Justin’s place, one of the most handsome men in Hollywood, who isn’t an actor, but is the leading man in a relationship with a beautiful gal, MFF (My Favorite Fan) Laura. Justin just may wind up on the silver screen someday.

As you may guess, Christine, and Steve, Justin and MFF, and the likes of Big Pete from Minnesota, and Peter the teacher, are all good friends of #1 Son, and all are the best you may find anywhere in this world. So you can see that it will take my mind off of not being home with TLW (The Little Woman) and my other son, #2, somewhat.

So dear readers, I wish you the kind of holiday that makes you glad to be alive, grateful for all you have, and realize that love is around you, just reach for it by reaching out.

Joe Del Bloggolo

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