Thursday, November 22, 2007


I promised myself that today, being it is a holiday I would take a break from writing this blog. This would allow the reader to really enjoy his or her turkey, and not feel sick from what I have to say. I want you to know I do this out of love for you, and think you need the break.

Pretend today is yesterday, and get over it.

Last year, I spent the holiday in the traditional family get-together, with Mom leading the clan by warning me to behave, and not to get so smart, after all, I’m not to big to get a wooden spoon on the head. My four lovely sisters, each taking the day off from the Covent of sisterhood, with their husbands and/or children and their spouses and significant others (all straight), gathered around the buffet table, telling stories, joking, and just having a grand time of poking fun of me in general. I supply my reputation as a service, in which the host or hostess gives me turkey to eat.

The first Thanksgiving Day actually occurred in Brooklyn, NY, in a three-story walk-up in the Bushwick section of the borough. Don’t believe all that nonsense about “Pilgrims” and Native Americans. (By the way, I do still use “Indians” but don’t want anyone to fall forward and hurt their head.) I know this fact from the sheer weight of being there when it occurred. Mom was younger, Dad was still alive, and there was only one alien there, my much older sister; Tessie. Mom made Lasagna, meatballs with rolled stuffed pork and beef bracciolas, then turkey and all the trimmings. Wine and formula were the beverages of demand, and that was it. Aside from the pies, cookies and other desserts, such as Italian pastries, that was all you got, and if it wasn’t enough for you, too bad.

Well, I must put on my game face for the big day, some friend’s are expecting me as company today, and I happen to be going there with #1 Son, so this works out real well, not too complicated for me.

Again, have a great holiday, eat all you want, and when no one’s looking, drink some more.

Joe Del Bloggolo

Help prevent holiday depression, write to:
Tell ‘em: “it is sad enough around here, go away you turkey.”

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