I reunited with an old pal from the Brooklyn neighborhood, Jimmy (Pants) Pantaleno, http://jpantaleno.blogspot.com/ and this year his lovely daughter Laura http://lbeeler.blogspot.com/ (If you haven’t tried either blog, I urge you to, it is worth the read. The Whiner is very funny.) Laura’s little sweetheart: Ava, not to mention her husband, Malcolm. To boost the value of this past year even more, rediscovered another great guy named Mike Mangino.

Then I had my 45th High School Reunion, and made new ‘re-acquaintances’ and had a blast. But unfortunately, that came with both rewards and a huge price.
The rewards were plentiful and too numerous to talk about here, but the price was high. I found out about who was dying, who did die, and who would die. I didn’t think when I did it that I would have to face the later.
A great couple like: Joanne and her husband and high school sweetheart: Dave, who passed on just a short while ago, and the many who were too sick to make the reunion, and subsequently passed on.

But with death comes birth. I have two new great nephews now, Ryan Dzicek and Daxton Harrow, who I hope to meet shortly, to go along with little Al Schneider.
We had a wedding in August for the Macaroni Man and Kim, and the part of all, I will have a beautiful, and wonderful daughter-in-law, but I refuse to use that term, it will be daughter for me in Courtney. Many have reacted to the Save the Date announcement about how clever they both were, #1 Son (Anthony) and Courtney. To make things even better, there is my daughter Ellen, doing very well, thank you, and #2 Son, who is turning out to be quite a guy, smart, handsome and still a little crazy, but that is what we love about him most!
I have just completed my first year on ‘Ellen’s Way’ http://ellendelbloggolo.blogspot.com/ “Dedicated to all those with physical and mental disabilities, their parents, guardians and siblings who need an extra voice to cry out of the darkness. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY”
Finally, there is the great group that I love most of all. YOU GUYS! You make this fun to do at times, and I love the feedback.
Next Year promises a lot. #1 Son and Courtney tie the knot, I am in the midst of building an Event Planning business with an old friend, Pam Rae, and There is that dinner in May for the NYCPM 100th Anniversary book I am designing, plus a cruise in the end of August with my high school classmates, to Halifax and St. John’s.

Thank you all for a great year! I love you all!