Monday, December 27, 2010


Well I made my annual visit to the AHRC Suffolk Chapter annual holiday dance as Santa. 350 adults with developmental disabilities come and have a great time dancing and eating and getting their picture taken with Santa.

In the course of the night, there is always a person or two who will give Santa Hell. This last visit was no different.

“Hey Santa. What is going on? You on Weight Watchers or something? You are too skinny. (I actually love this person) You should eat more, get that stomach back.” (See what I mean?)

One woman grabbed me by the arm and escorted me to my chair across a very large room, as I got slapped on the back, squeezed and hugged, and kissed, oh the kisses.

There was one gentleman who I think plays offensive tackle for the New York Jets, who decided he REALLY likes Santa, and came to show it. I’m hoping the x-rays show only minor damage.

The ladies are very bossy if they have boyfriends, and the boyfriends act like they have been married for years.

“You sit on THAT side of Santa, Charlie, I will sit here. And look at the camera, you don’t smile Charlie, you gotta smile.”

This year, Santa was given a note, and I’m not sure if it was a ransom note, an inventory list, or a Christmas list. Folded, the gentleman kind of slipped it into my hand, as he shook it. First I thought it was a bribe, but all hopes disappeared when I saw the note.

One fellow had a badge, which looked very official, unfortunately, I couldn’t make it out, but it WAS convincing looking. It was pinned to his lapels, and he pointed to it as he posed in front of the camera with me. Dressed in a suit no less, he gave me the impression that he would be watching me all night. I figured he may know the Santa outfit was a disguise!

There are people that wish to cut into the line just to shake my hand, one woman was standing on the sidelines and just watching me. I noticed her and gave her a wave, and she was acting like she had made contact with God!

Then it was time to leave, after over 350 photos were taken, and as I left the organizer asked if I wanted to be announced out. I said “No” that I would just quietly slip away. But the DJ, seeing me get up made the announcement that Santa was now heading back to the North Pole! Suddenly there was a surge toward me and I was engulfed with adoring legions of Santa lover’s, either that or they recognized me and were happy to get me out of the building. As I struggled to make my way out, the ladies reached out and hugged me, squeezed me and of course kissed me, while the guys patted me on the back, slapped my on the back and yes, kissed me as I left. I heard one guy yell out: “You forgot to get me my Yankee jacket last year, you bum!”

Well, Happy New Year!

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